Business Exit Strategy—Do I Need One?

Business Exit Strategy—Do I Need One?

Attention Business Owner…..a few things to consider that we often don’t like to discuss ….like a lot of things in our business life….the conversation can be uncomfortable.

Let’s ask ourselves a few questions…..

– What would happen to the business if a co-owner should become disabled or die?

-Would you be concerned with continuing to pay a salary to a disabled co-owner employee who is no longer contributing to the success and profits of the business?

-Would you be concerned with his or her continuing to have a voice as co-owner in running the business….it he or she is no longer active?

-Could you work effectively with the spouse of family of a deceased  or disabled co-owner? Would you even want to?

-Do you have the means to buy out the business interest of deceased or disabled co-owner/partner?

-Do your co-owner/partners have the financial means to buy out your interest in you become disabled or die?

-What happens if you or one of your co-owner/partners wants to leave or retire?

These are serious issues….can create personal and financial hardship and ruin years of hard work….

At INCOME RESOURCE GROUP we have very simple-to-implement solutions…that put you back in control..

Give us a call at (908)419-5170…….or shoot us an email at

Business Exit Strategy—Do I Need One?

Attention Business Owner…..a few things to consider that we often don’t like to discuss ….like a lot of things in our business life….the conversation can be uncomfortable. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions….. – What would happen to the business if a co-owner should become disabled or die? -Would you be concerned with continuing to […]

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Why Protect Your Paycheck?

What is your greatest asset?  Your home? Your automobile?……NO……your greatest asset is your ability to earn your paycheck…..but is that ability protected? You do protect your home and auto in case those are lost……Whether you are a Doctor…Lawyer….Business Owner….Healthcare Professional…..if you become sick or disabled your paycheck stops……but the rent…mortgage….salaries…..utilities… loan payments….business/practice overhead…..don’t stop….. How […]

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Life Insurance…Confusing? Should it Be?

Yes….Life insurance can be confusing…..and it’s not your fault!…Many advisors today only do insurance part time….(at INCOME RESOURCE GROUP we’ve been helping our clients make good life insurance choices for over 40 years)……I certainly wouldn’t take medical advice from a doctor who only practiced medicine part time…. So let’s see if we can provide some clarity…..Life insurance […]

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Long Term Care? Who Really Needs This? Do I?

Great questions……who needs to be concerned with long-term care?  I don’t think it will happen to me….I told my kids to drive me into the woods and leave me there…. Believe me I’ve heard these……so I want to help uncover the mysteries here and at least give you some answers and things think about…. Why […]

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Preparing for Your Golden Years: A Guide to Long-Term Care Policies!

Getting older comes with many changes, including the need for extra medical care. Long-term care is necessary for aging individuals, whether at home, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home. Unfortunately, these services can be costly and can even finish off our personal savings. That’s where long-term care insurance comes in. Understanding […]

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Disability Insurance for Freelancers: What You Need to Know About Income Protection!

Freelancing provides flexibility and independence, but it also comes with financial risks. Unlike traditional jobs, freelancers don’t have access to employer-sponsored benefits like disability insurance. If an illness or injury happens and prevents you from working, you could lose your income entirely. That’s where disability insurance comes in. It provides financial protection, ensuring you can […]

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